PA Christmas SHow Vocal Ensemble Auditions

Let us hear you sing!

Do you love to sing and be on stage? Would you like to be in a Christmas Show?  We'd love to have you join our Community Vocal Ensemble for the Prairie School of Dance Performing Arts Christmas Show "Noel!"  Just a few family-friendly rehearsals to be a part of this grand production!

Miss Sarah & Melanie McIvor, Music Teacher for Minnetonka Schools, are hosting auditions for everyone's placement in our vocal ensembles for the PA Christmas Show on Saturday, December 7th at 6:00pm. The vocal ensemble is open to PA and REC dancers. Our dancers have so many talents and we are so excited to showcase those gifts in our show!  

Please pick a slot that is conveniently before or after your class times at PLC. 

  • Singers prepare to sing "Silent Night"

  • Be prepared to sight read a Christmas Carol

REHEARSALS will be in conjunction with your PA Christmas Show Dance Rehearsals. They will be conveniently before or after those rehearsal times and a $40 Ensemble fee will be charged to your account after acceptance of your placement.  

Vocal Rehearsals convieniently before or after Christmas Show rehearsals

  • Saturday, Oct. 26th 4:00 - 5:30pm @ Green Room

  • Saturday, Nov. 2nd 2:00 - 3:00pm (if cast not in beg. pointe) or 6:00 - 7:00pm @ Green Room 

  • Saturday, Nov. 16th 2:00 - 3:00 or 6:00 - 7:00pm @ Grace Auditorium

  • Saturday, Nov. 23rd 2:30 - 3:30pm @ Green Room

Show date: Saturday, Dec. 7th | Dress Rehearsal: Friday, Dec. 6th