Cathedral Dance Festival 2023 is NEXT Weekend May 5 & 6 | COMPLETE CLASS FORM & WAIVER
Hello PSOD PA Families!
Cathedral Dance Festival 2023 is almost here! We are so excited to jump into all of the festivities May 5th & 6th at Grace Church (9301 Eden Prairie Rd). I’ve received some preliminary information from the festival this week and will continue to update our families as next weekend's festival gets closer. Preliminary schedules are attached. Each PA dancer needs to complete and return the Cathedral Dance Festival Waiver in order to participate in the festival weekend. (Waiver is attached. Waivers can be emailed to Hannah- or returned to the PLC Dance Office.)
PSOD has been attending the Cathedral Dance Festival since its founding in 2013. This is a mandatory event for dancers in PSOD's Performing Arts Program and oftentimes becomes the dancer's favorite event of the entire dance year! The festival is a great opportunity for dancers to participate in master classes taught by teaching and performing professionals from around the Twin Cities and beyond. When dancers are not participating in master classes or educational seminars, dancers have another performance opportunity to hone in on their craft by showcasing three of their 2022-2023 dances in front of a panel of adjudicators, spectator guests and families filling the audience. Following the festival, dancers will receive audio feedback from the adjudicators giving constructive and encouraging feedback live from their performance. This helps us stay motivated as we work towards the 2023 spring recitals! Additionally, Cathedral Dance Festival is a great opportunity to meet dancers from other non-competitive dance schools from Minnesota, Wisconsin and other surrounding states! Dance friends are the best friends!
Friday- May 5th | PA Small Groups, PA Senior Solos & PA Ballet Ensemble Adjudication & Master Classes
Saturday- May 6th | PA Levels 1-8 & PA Minis
8:30am | PSOD PA Dancer Arriva9:0
0-11:45am | Welcome & Master Classes Start
(11:00-11:45am | Lunch)
11:45-3:00pm | Youth & Junior Adjudication / Senior Master Classes
2:00pm | PA Minis Half Day Pick Up
3:00-6:00pm | Senior Adjudication / Youth & Junior Master Classes
(5:30pm | Dinner)
7:15pm | Gala Concert (PA Minis invited to return for Gala Concert!)
8:30/8:45pm | End of Night
Dancers get to choose their master class experience the entire festival weekend! In preparation for CDF next weekend, please complete the Google Form by following the link below by Thursday, April 27th, to select your master classes. Master class instructors and faculty bios can be found on Cathedral Dance Festival's website, or by clicking this LINK. Within the form, dancers will notate their master class/workshop preferences for when they are not performing on stage for adjudication. Handouts will be given to each PA dancer the day of with their Master Class schedule when they arrive for check in on Saturday, May 6th. Please see the schedule attached to this email.
Click HERE to Register & Select Your Master Class Preferences 2023
Adjudication is separated by the Youth/Junior division and the Senior Division. Dancers should refer to PSOD’s adjudication schedule attached to this email. Timing is quick, for some levels, between dances. PSOD Teachers will be with our dancers all day, assisting in quick changes, schedule updates and general questions. Please find the PSOD Adjudication schedule attached. (*Adjudication schedule is subject to change. I will email final schedules next week!)
Youth Division:
- PA Minis & PA Level 1
Junior Division:
- PA Levels 2-4
Senior Division:
- PA Levels 5-8
Families and friends are invited to attend! Spectators are encouraged to purchase a Day Pass to watch their dancers perform during their adjudication. Admission beyond the registration table for parents and families requires the purchase of a Day Pass. Day Pass Pricing: $10 Friday entry, $15 Saturday entry/$10 student entry. (*Gala concert included with Saturday day pass.) Day passes can be purchased at the door. The Café will be open for the day with some light snacks and beverages. Please come and support our dancers!
Pizza and a salad dinner will be served for those participating on Friday, May 5th. Dancers are encouraged to bring additional snacks, a bag lunch or additional money to purchase from Grace Church's cafe during the festival.
CDF will provide a boxed lunch of either a Roasted Turkey & Provolone Sandwich, Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad, or Southwest Salad* on Saturday, May 6th. PSOD's meal order has already been placed based on dancers preference collected in February. Dancers who notated bringing lunch from home should pack a bag lunch this day. *Gluten Free, Dairy Free & Vegetarian. Meals do not include any peanuts or tree nuts, however, the kitchen is not nut-free.
CDF will provide a Fiesta Taco Buffet for dinner on Saturday, May 6th. Gluten free, dairy free and vegetarian free options will be available.
Dancers are encouraged to bring additional snacks, a bag lunch/dinner or additional money to purchase from Grace Church's cafe during the festival along with their water bottle.
The Gala Concert will conclude the festival will feature a selected 8-10 dances from both Friday & Saturday's adjudication to perform for all festival participants as well as feature local artists including Black Label Movement, Hatch Dance and Honeyworks. The Gala Concert is open to the public at 7:15pm, Saturday May 6th, 2023. Purchase tickets at the door: $10 general admission. (PA Dancers are registered to attend the Gala Concert and we will attend together as a school. PA Minis are welcome to return to the Gala Concert with their families.)
More information will be sent closer to the festival, along with any adjustments to PSOD’s adjudication schedule. Please let me know if you have any questions! PSOD will continue to work hard in the studios preparing our dances so we can perform our best on stage! A signed CDF Waiver is required for each PSOD dancer to participate. Please complete the waiver (attached) and email it to the PSOD office or bring it to the studio when we return from break.
Thank You and Best,
Hannah Albers